Children were children; they looked like children, played the games the children normally played then and acted like children. Juvenile delinquency was exceptionally rare, there were no "Juvenile Justice" laws then, child offenders got the same punishment as adult offenders, which could also incur the death penalty. Teenagers and young adults, too, were expected to be disciplined and well-behaved. If a young man professed interest in a young lady, he had to get permission from the girl's parents to court and later marry her, and he had to agree to have a chaperone come along to supervise the relationship, unsupervised dating then was unheard of, such relationships would not become a popular trend until during the First World War. It may have be considered old-fashioned by today's standards, but then again, there wasn't the illegitimate births that are so common today, which would have been scandalous back then.