Slayer on the tribe's trap
The timing of the chaos!
Broadcasting on television ads began to be exported from the Unicorn.
"All of a sudden, why is it coming out?"
"We have to look it up on purpose to advertise."
People were feeling the recent serious crisis.
Anywhere in the Central continent war. In the past, the forces were fighting with each other, the Guild is now a monster and Embinyu denomination dagger three.
-Whist has been decimated by Ron town Monster. There is a thorn in the tourists. The Warriors also do not visit as much as possible to the level of 320.
– Cergy city being attacked on denomination of Embinyu. Who can give you if you ever come to the rescue?
-Freddie's herd of thugs barge in stores throughout the shoot. Equipment can get nearby Rob's city walls. Currently, Chapman came and selling stuff.
Also on Board was the city collapsed or relevant story frequently come out of the mess.
Between the cities of the plain, or secure the main road before the emergence of the Super monsters.
"Real is too uptight these days."
"It gets harder to live. Monsters defeated a little policing restoring shouldn't I? "
"Everybody should be a busy day for troops at war play where."
"Whew ... Outside the gates, even frightening. "
"It also makes it harder to hunt now."
Plains or mountains, forests, and other monsters, you need to track down to the boundaries of the barge.
The Kingdom as a whole, internally confused, Embinyu denomination convulsed the whole invasion.
Monster sometimes, hour-by-hour changes in their Habitat, so users couldn't relax.
There are a lot of them commissioned by the mercenaries and, on behalf of the mission when the compensation is reduced.
"We do not have this you can out there, I'm sorry."
"How do I? I have an article which promised robbers Rob to chat ... "
Residents were poor and the content of the simplified commissioned foresight did not receive properly rewarded.
"Oh, it's really hard to eat."
"It's too difficult."
"Commissioned by the Joint Chiefs of staff didn't really snag the checker libido comes out of the mess."
In the past, the city is almost a monster too, but now I have to overcome the power of the people themselves.
The situation has been changed a lot in itself.
Traders will also thugs of Serato and civil war, due to the geographical denomination of Embinyu is a terrible blow to the wounded.
"Hey, did you earn some money?"
"Don't say you can even feed value stand by difficult wagon; libido going."
The Kingdom, a military Guild War, material delivery, you can reap the benefits of greater trade.
But if that's the case already had a full speed of each power merchants, however, there is no acceleration of their monopoly and suck the fingers and you should only see the entries!
General users and residents strained against the increasing confusion, it is Changsha Bonnie traders was the complaint of bursting.
"I will never do that, for real!"
"We have so far paid, how much is this!"
Merchants suffer from excessive tax payment in good faith but have been difficult to trade with.
Sometimes angry with someone, as a trader turned the armed forces weak note so high when there are many side.
But in the Hague have been successively-Bonnie General traders who first Needless to say holding a rose.
"When I had to put up with being mean! Even if better to hope to taste, it's a saying don't out to die! "
"I'm a store five doors closed. Out of this dangerous, some people give Bonnie hunt. Everybody heard squat on the life quality of Bonnie sellers dropping. "
"I'll be beat from nasty!"
Small traders in a meeting of the Lords and the Guild for the accused.
The greatest damage in the turmoil of the continent is a professional trader or a farmer, Miner, etc.
They get to the work itself.
Whatever the circumstances of others, but did not secure a satisfactory territory between the prestigious guilds are continually waged war to raise troops.
Central in the continent's turmoil has emerged as their daggers a monster mountain villages spread even now it was difficult to turn.
He believed in the gods of evil — Embinyu of fanatic are brought up.
This is the continent's denominations are touted as well on non-denominational m. proclaimed the view.
The Knights Templar and the secret monasteries belonging to the monk who moved.
Embinyu until the war between the different denominations and offerings mark, users realize the transformation of Versailles led to the continent.
Bad Ray's quest progresses, even in the midst of Hermes was moving to stay busy in the Guild.
Don't know to reap in the Kingdom the Kingdom Ben, collar with enormous taxes, while the other train military was intrigued.
"This is a great opportunity that will not come again."
"Can't refuse an offer of the Hermes Guild . Hopefully going forward, thank you. "
The black lion was a big hit at the Melbourne mining Guild.
Compared to the overall size of the Guild just one defeat, but President Carl Reese--including Choi, elite and their genocide!
This is virtually a Black Lion Guild than have Hermès Guild is poor, there is no recognition of the dry tree.
Black Lion Guild, springing from a rival breakaway forces are in power, you can expand the Guild Bertel den total offensive.
You have to fight to regain the territories lost by winning, of course, and a coalition of other small Guild and also successfully carried out.
In fact, there was a background of Hermes baby den Guild.
Send them a secret power, giving the Black Lion Guild take control of the Kingdom to Tolkien defeating Rennes, which had the whole computation.
Uribe has experienced the power of the guilds in den Guild rejects the proposal, more than Hermes.
Tolkien Lord of the Kingdom in Exchange for a moderately large areas dedicated to Rennes will take place, ensuring it is a Black Lion Guild pre-cache common be dismantled was a much better result than that.
La Faye is the Hermes was the Guild's leadership meeting.
"Two to three months, Tolkien Len Kingdom in den Guild seems to be from cleans without difficulty."
"We need to establish a Guild on my pillow each other casually done? Our strength is sufficient proof of this. "
"Has encountered a problem on the other kingdoms in the middle of the street, and he knows them well many Affairs area of Uribe to handle multiple problems in den guilds try to be annoying."
"But if you're eager to get to tired later on ..."
"Then I'll just wipe out Versailles den Guild. I might add, is the core of the guilds and the den is a separate level user subsumption task. "
"Later nothing left."
"He took over the plans of the Kingdom than La Salle problem ....."
"That's the end of the work in progress. This month, seems to be caught in the attack date. "
Hermes Guild is the mighty army to quickly set up a plan to put an end to my Kingdom of La Salle.
United Kingdom Great Britain immediately behind the invasion aimed to hit up the cloud with the Guild.
And three were flying up the abuses.
"The scenery is very nice. And thanks to this you feel these three feel. "
"Black Lou. Kya kya kya kya. "
It was weak and this compliments.
"You ride wants to fly through the sky like this meet. From morning till night. And all night long. "
At the end of this devastated and 3 which was trying to withdraw a force on the wings. There was a lot of running around the occupant's already has more than one more!
This is a steep mountain above Salm with abuses and flying. Weed goes by cells in favour of mountain regions will come to draw the map.
"Here is higher than where the Haw. At a glance it looks like you will need to see. "
"Tighter look!"
And three, which rises into the sky and flapping its wings.
In the meantime, rose as much as hunting and feeding levels were due to faster speed is raised.
The clouds near the devastated mountainous region on one side, the cell goes acclimate overlooked.
Slayer on the tribe specifically climbs to building a Fort in the peaks were scraping knife v.
The walls consisting of rock cliffs and rugged high, but could be called the Fort.
"The high mountains are mostly asked to draw the terrain."
Abuses began drawing a detailed map