The sample cells for the present study consisted of highly conducted
(≈10 Ω/square and the visible light transmission is more than 90%) indium
tin oxide (ITO) coated glass plates. The ITO patterns which have
the square dimension of 5 cm are used as electrodes. Such patterns
were achieved by photolithographic techniques [9–11]. The thickness
between two glass plates was uniformly maintained at 10 μm by
means of a Mylar spacer. The planar alignment on the patterned glass
plates was obtained by using conventional rubbed polyimide techniques.
In this method both the electrodes were treated with adhesion
promoter and polymer Nylon 6/6 and then rubbed unidirectionally for
planar alignment. The cells were calibrated using AR grade CCl4 and
benzene. The material was introduced into the cell by capillary action
at a temperature slightly higher than its isotropic temperature.