Dear Rachata,
Good day to you!
My name is Nessa from eBay Customer Service and I am writing you this email as a follow up on your request for higher Selling Limits.
Thank you for the information that you provided, I already heard from our Escalation team and I was informed that your request has been denied due to your 30-days selling restriction.
But you don’t need to worry because you can appeal for higher selling limits when the restriction will be over and you have to work on your sales in the firs 30 days after the restriction will be removed.
Your 30 days selling restriction will be removed by Aug 08, 2016 so you can appeal for higher selling limits to us by Sept. 08, 2016.
Thanks for your cooperation and patience as we get this resolved.
We appreciate your understanding.
Thank you for choosing eBay. We value your business.
Have a nice day and take care there in Thailand!
Nessa R.
eBay Customer Service
[THREAD ID: 1-80300623707]