E1: G-net is a famous internet store in Sansai. It’s closed with Maejo University. This store have a lot of people every day . That’s why many computers in this store can’t be used. So shopkeeper made a decision to buy new computers.
At Computer Warehouse
2 days ago
A: Good morning Interlink Computer company , Can I help you?
This is a consumer enquiry please tell me about your requirement.
B: Good morning I’m calling from G-net store next to Maejo University.
I would like to get more information about your computer for my business.
A: What spec of computer do you want?
B: I want a computer that have a high speed , can play game all of time ,
much memory , suitable prices. Have you got it about 10 ?
A: Could you please let me know about the prices do you want .Our company have
a prices from 5,000 - 10,000 Bath. But this prices has only a
second-hand Computer. If you want a new computer it’s have prices
10,000 Bath up.
B: Oh! Great . I want 10 . The prices about 7,000 Bath.
A: Our goods aren’t in company now but it’s in company warehouse.
What time is convenient for you to see our goods.
B: I’m sorry, I have an important thing to do. But I’ll send my employees
to see your goods in 2 days.
A: Thank you very much.
E2:2 days later. Shopkeeper send his employees to see a computer at Interlink Computer warehouse.
C: Hello , Did you have an appointment with our company ?
D: Of couse , I’m employees from G-net store that have an appointment with
your company 2 days ago.
C: Do you have something to confirm ?
D: Oh! sorry , it’s in note pad at our store. I’m forgot to get it with me.
C: I’m sorry to you. If you don’t have this you can’t see our goods. Because it’s
a rule of our company.
D: If that I’ll tree-way call with our shopkeeper , customer information in your company and you for make sure our appointment.
C: Ok.
E3: Go-between the employees calling to his shopkeeper .
C: Ok. You can get in to see our goods. Please followed me. The goods are
inside our warehouse.
D: Ok.
E4: Both of them go to inside the warehouse.
C: This is a computer that you ordered.
D: Did you check your goods yet?
C: Yes, I did.
D: Thank you .
C: Thank you for convinced our company.
E5: After that, It matters to get a goods into car and bring it to store.