My 12 Month Plan to Financial Freedom With SFI
Step #1:
Not an SFI affiliate yet:
Sign up for FREE at:
A) Is to Go EA(Exectutive Affiliate) every month by purchasing TCredits Pack 125 from TRipleClicks which automatically gives you 1500 VP and qualifies you as an EA.
B) My second suggestion is to purchase Advanced Liquid Nutrition which is a great product from TripleClicks that also gives you 1500 VP and is an awesome product for your health.
Purchase PSA To Go to build a downline fast! Purchase from Proprofit or TripleClicks
Proprofit also comes with a specially designed video system to help new affiliates get monthly newsletters and support when you purchase the 50 PSA package.
Identify your fastest affiliates willing to duplicate steps #1 and #2 and work with them on achieving EA status. They will also duplicate the system to their downline.
This is my last suggestion and is totally optional, but it is something that I am doing and is highly promoted in SFI. Purchase S-Builder Co-Op units to help gain affiliates through company supported advertising.
This 3 step program is tested and mathematically proven to work if you do the work and don't quit.
Have Fun, Make Money, Make a Difference!
Brian K Lockrey
Posted on 05/24/2015
Just a note to let you know why SFI is a proven successful business. Many people wonder why you have to go to your SFI homepage everyday and do the what seems like repititional To-Do-List activities. Well you look at any professional sports player or professional business owner they do a routine everyday and they are always looking at where their strengths are and also where their weaknesses are so they can constantly improve and get better and better.They also do this everyday wether they feel like it or not or are having a bad day because they know that pushing through those tough times only makes you stronger and wiser about your craft and ultimately they are always focused on the Big Picture and know that practice makes perfect and also means success! Doing SFI everyday you may read something or see a tab or post that you may have never seen before or just never took the time to notice and then you read it and say hey that's cool I think I can do that then you can impliment that into your business and keep making progress and taking little steps forward everyday. I get excited everyday going to my site and see new badges being added to my site or messages in my mailbox. Learn to like the process and ehjoy the journey to freedom day by day. If you will do something that most people will never do, you will be able to live a lifestyle that most people will never have.
Brian K Lockrey
Posted on 05/19/2015
Most of the world is good at seeing what is, but leaders are good at seeing what could be. More pointedly, leaders must have the character and courage to make what could be a reality. How do they do this? By helping others see what they see and then building trust until the people buy into what they see. Leadership is founded upon character and courage, built upon trust and respect, and completed upon actions and rewards. 2015 is the year to lead and become the prime mover for your community.
Orrin Woodward
Chairman of the board LifeLeadership
Posted on 03/16/2015
Hi Everyone
Just wanted to say Hi and encourage everyone to Stay true to yourself and keep fighting for your dreams and goals. There are so many things that try to keep us off track of our goals and try to get us focused on other less important things that don't really seem to take us in the direction of our dreams. Reading positive motivational books helps me to stay on track by learning from someone else that has had similar challenges or obstacles but seem to push through and take control of their lives for the better. I encourage you to read good books and listen to positive uplifting audio's on a daily basis. As the old saying goes Bad in,Bad out! Good in,Good out! So I encourage you to make a point to take in good and send out good to everyone. Let's just be good people and you will attract good people.