Legislation of Spain
According to the Law on Human assisted Reproductive Technologies application of the following assisted reproductive technologies are permitted on the territory of Spain:
Sperm and oocyte donation;
Application of these technologies by single women;
Reduction of the number of embryos in uterus in the case of triple pregnancy;
Money compensation for donors of sperm and oocytes;
Genetic diagnostics of an embryo before its transfer to a uterus.
The following ART are forbidden in Spain:
Free selection of sperm/oocyte donor, as only medical personnel is entitled to match him/her according to appearance and blood type;
Donation is anonymous. Relatives, friends and acquaintances ofa patient can’t be a donor.
Selection of child’s gender, excluding the cases of genetic diseases prevention related to gender;
Elimination of frozen embryos, left after artificial fertilization. These embryos can remain frozen during the patient’s reproductive life or they can be given to other patients or used for scientific-research purposes.
In Spain surrogacy is forbidden, though it’s not criminally liable.
See: http://www.boe.es/aeboe/consultas/bases_datos/doc.php?id=BOE-A-2006-9292.