Q: Can shopper place an unfixed order with Full Point Payment?
A: No. Such order should not be existed. If you find any orders in this case, please contact support team to fix it.
Payment method: "Full Point Payment"
Order Status: Unfixed
Q: When will order status be changed to Complete?
A: 7 days after order is updated to Awaiting Completion. Accurately, batch will be run in the 8th day's morning and change order status to Complete.
For example, An order is updated to Awaiting Completion during 2013/12/01 00:00:00 – 2013/12/01 23:59:59 (local time), it will be updated to Complete in the morning on 2013/12/09(local time).
Q: How can merchant cancel an order or change Quantity in order detail page when order status is Not Shipped?
A: Please input Bank Account Information first. After that you can edit item information in order detail page.
When order status is "Not Shipped", it means payment is complete. If merchant wants to change anything that would change the order total, merchant needs to input Bank Account Information first to tell system merchant has gotten the information for refunding.
Q. How can shopper do a partial cancellation?
A: Only when order status is not Complete, partial cancellation can be done.
According to payment status, the operation is different.
If order is unpaid(order status is Unfixed or Awaiting Payment), you can go to order detail page, and change product's quantity(for example, 3–>2, 1–>0), and then click "Save Changes".
If order is paid(order status is Not Shipped or Awaiting Completion), you may need to input "Bank Account Information" first to provide bank account information for refunding, and then change product's quantity(for example, 3–>2, 1–>0), and at last click "Save Changes".
If an order is updated to Complete, it cannot be cancelled nor partial cancelled.
ATTENTION Merchant can do this operation when order is "Completed" from 3.10
Q: In thanks mail, even though the number of characters is less than 1000, "inputted text has over 1,000 letters" displays.
A: Thanks Mail's content may include some unnecessary format(for example: HTML tags) that makes the total characters more than 1000.
Please ask merchant to copy the content to Notepad first, and then copy it again from Notepad and paste to RMS. This operation can delete all the unnecessary format from the content.
Q: Is there any way to input shipping tracking number in batches?
A: No, we do not have the function.
Merchant has to open order detail page one by one and input tracking number to each order.
Q: Can merchant make a partial cancel?
A: Yes, merchant can make a partial cancellation by inputting the new quantity to each product and saving the change.
ATTENTION If order is paid, the new quantity should be smaller than former one
Q: If shopper input specific message in the check out page, will it be appeared in the invoice?
A: Yes, it can be showed in Invoice. Merchant can check it by clicking Print Details as Invoice link in order detail page.
Q: Rakuten member said he/she placed an order with coupon code. However, it is not applied. Why?
A: The member might forgot to click "Apply" button on checkout page, or reload the web page after the coupon code was applied. Please contact helpdesk for detailed information.
Q: Can I cancel an order which the status is Completed?
A: No, the Completed order cannot be cancelled or returned.
Q: Shopper placed an order but got an error. After that, the shopper cannot use coupon.
A: Please check if the order is valid or invalid.
If shopper placed an invalid order, coupon code will not be released until the order is cancelled.
Q: When the status of order is "Awaiting completion", what information is editable?
A: the Shipping Fee, Quantity and Discount values are editable.
1. These values can be only decreased for paid orders
2. "Banking Information" might be necessary, should be filled in ahead for editing these items.
Q: Under what kind of situation, order will be cancelled automatically?
A: Orders will be automatically cancelled by system when an order remains "Awaiting payment" for 7 days after it is placed.
Q: How can I check if a specific order applied a coupon or not?
A: Check "Coupon Code" column in the order downloaded CSV file.
You can download order CSV file from IBS or from target shop.
Q: "Amount can not be changed due to limits applied on the campaign." displays when I try to do partial cancellation.
A: Order total might be less than the minimum price of coupon code or campaign.
Please check what coupon code or campaign was applied to the order, and then check the condition for applying the coupon code / campaign in target shop or IBS.
Q: How many order statuses are there in RMS?
A: In RMS, there are 8 statuses in total for order status.
Unfixed, Processing Payment, Awaiting Payment, Not Shipped, Awaiting Completion, Completed, Cancelled and Cancelled(Refund).
The payment status and shipping status to each order status are as follows:
No. Order Status Payment Status Shipping Status
1 Unfixed Pending Total Not Shipped
2 Processing Payment In Process Not Shipped
3 Awaiting Payment Unpaid Not Shipped
4 Not Shipped Paid Not Shipped
5 Awaiting Completion Paid Shipped
6 Completed Stamped Shipped
7 Cancelled Cancelled Not Shipped
8 Cancelled(Refund) Cancelled(Refund) Not Shipped
Q: Merchant cancelled an order, can they undo the operation?
A: If an order is cancelled, the order status cannot be changed back to the previous one.
Q: How can I know if shoppers have used coupon when purchasing orders ?
A: Yes, in IBS/Member Services/Order Search, choose Advanced Search. There is a new option which is Coupon Code, put the Coupon Code you want to search in here and click Search. You will find orders that this Coupon Code has been used. For more detail, click on the order number to go to order detail page. Here you can find how this coupon is applied to shoppers' orders at Order's discount part.
Q: In RMS, Payment status is "Awaiting Payment" but Shipping status in "Shipped". Is it okay with the Functionality?
A: Yes, it is possible for COD payment method.
Q: In RMS, order status is "Processing Payment", can shopper pay at that time?
A: When RMS order status is "Processing Payment" that time Shopper's status is "Awaiting Payment" on MyOrder.
And, payment button is disabled at that time.
Q: In RMS Merchant identified that an order status is unfixed and after that he/she fixed the “Shipping Fee”. Will any mail will trigger to the Shopper at once the Merchant fixed the Shipping Fee?
A: No, mail will not send at once.
Shopper will receive the Fixed shipping Fee on the next day.
However Shopper will be able to pay soon as the order status is changed to “Awaiting Payment”.