Situation : At a friend’s birthday party in a small local pub in Chicago, A bumped into B by concidence so A introduces himself/herself to B.
A : Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there.
B : It’s alright, don’t worry about it.
A : I’m A, I come from Russia, nice to meet you.
B : I’m B, I’m from Estonia, nice to meet you too.
A : Wow, We’re pretty close, aren’t we?
B : Yes, We’re like neighbors.
A : So what are you doing? As a job?
B : I’m a doctor at a local hospital, How about you?
A : Wow! Awesome! I’m a doctor too!
B : That’s nice! By the way, We’re having a lecture about the new virus that is spreading all over Africa next week here, would you like to come?
A : Aw, I’d love to but I can’t, I have patients all week long next week, I’m so sorry.
B : Oh, It’s alright, maybe next time. May I have your email address? I’ll Inform you if there’s a next time.
A : Sure thing! Here you go.
B : Here’s mine, Now I have to get back to work or my boss will get angry.
A : Alright,Goodbye! It was nice talking to you.
B : You too! Take care, Bye!