5S is typically used to optimize work spaces but
can also be used to improve processes. The 1st step in
the 5S process is to sort and begins by tagging unneeded
or misplaced items or process steps. After the
tagged items or processes have been removed, simplifying
rearranges the necessary items into new locations
or steps. Once the area or processes have been
simplified, sweeping thoroughly cleans the area or
processes and checks for flaws in the new designs.
The next 2 steps, and arguably the most important,
are to standardize and sustain the changes. Standardization
ensures that all tasks are completed following
the same methodologies and may utilize tools such as
visual cues and charts. Once standards are in place,
sustaining ensures that the new changes continue to
be incorporated into clinical practice. 5S work is not
a single process but rather a continuous cycle that needs
to be actively pursued in order to achieve constant improvement.5
This is a hallmark of a Lean workplace