The increasing threats to coral reefs emphasise the importance of coral aquariums and farms. This study is important because it looked at the possibility of replacing metal halide lights with more energy efficient T5 and LED lighting. All three lights used do have the capabilities to grow Montipora capricornis. Even though the metal halide did produce the highest growth rates, the other two lights still significantly increased the weight of the corals. Therefore it depends on the function the lights need to perform as to which ones can be used. If a fast growth rate is required then the metal halides are still the best option. However, if a steady growth is required then there is the possibility for T5 or LED lighting being used. This would reduce the cost and increase the energy efficiency of these operations globally. However, these lights need to be tested in larger tanks, with a wider range of corals and for a longer period of time to fully determine the future of coral tank lighting.