requirements to webpage are no longer limited to simple
and static web page. What people need is a dynamic web page
which can be controlled according to our requirements. The
web is interactive because of the following features: the users
can send information or command to the web sites and control
the application programs of the web server; the web server will
respond to the related command according to the users
operation [6]. With the promotion of this kind of demands, the
Microsoft Corporation developed ASP (Active Sever Pages)
technology [7]. ASP is a script environment of the server. The
developer can use it to write and run dynamic, interactive and
high-performance web server application program. Its major
characteristics as follows, it can create organic combination of
HTML, scripts, components, etc., make standard HTML pages
according to client’s requirements, and send the pages to client
browser. The ASP web page is quite different from common
HTML web page. When a client click on a common HTML
web page, the web server is only responsible for delivering the
documents, and is not responsible for processing the
documents. What’s more, it does not pay attention to the
documents content. All of the interpretation task will be
processed by client web browser. However, when a client
clicks on an ASP web page, the document will be firstly
processed by the web server. The web server will be
responsible for the interpretation and implementation task of
the script, and then it will create and send a HTML web page to
client’s web browser.