Thai people distinguish the langsat fruit into two varieties, the thick-skinned long gong and the thin-skinned langsad, though they both belong to the same species and can be crossbred. The main differences is that the thicker skinned long gong variety is much easier to peel. The fruits taste is absolutely unique and makes the langsat one of my favorite fruits overall. The langsat tastes sweet and bitter, like a blend between grapefruits, grapes and bananas. The trees grow up to 20 meters and don’t bear fruits till they reach the age of approximately 12-15 years. However when they reach 20 years, they can produce over a 100 kg fruits a year. Beside that the wood of the trees is very hard, heavy and thick and ideal for the construction of wooden houses. Peak season of the langsat fruit is between July and September, though they are available all year round. The langsat is traditionally used to treat a variety of diseases. The fruit is rich in Vitamin C and Thiamin. It contains Riboflavin which can counter migraine and Niacin which reduced “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and increased the “good” cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. It contains the mineral nutrients calcium, iron and phosphorous. The very bitter seeds are used to make a deworming and ulcer medication. The pericarb is used to treat diarrhea. Finally the trees bark is even used to treat malaria and dysentery. Considering the delicious taste and healing powers, a couple of bunches of this fruit should be stored in every household.