Thank you for continuously using our cash management services. HSBC is committed to working in partnership with you and believe that we are best positioned in the market to provide you with a seamless and comprehensive solution that will fulfill your immediate and long term needs.
With this letter, we would like to notify you that your bank account of DENTSU YOUNG & RUBICAM LTD. account number 001-187525-330, and account of MONDAY PEOPLE CO., LTD. account number 002-041366-330 are currently inactive. In order to reactivate accounts, we will manually credit and debit fund with amount of THB 1.00 in both accounts on 29 April 2016.
Once both accounts are active and upon your request, we will further make an adjustment in your bank statement of both accounts not to show the account reactivated transaction.
Should you have any question on our process, please kindly contact our cash management client service manager.