The importance of the citizen's report is so well recognized that ithas been translated into several languages including Hindi, Marathi,Kannada, and French. But the Center always hs difficulty in finding managers and key responsible persons who are talented as well as committed. Many people have left CSE because they were required to produce more than they could deliver. People in other NGOs have criticized CSE for taking foreign funding and making frequent foreigntrips, or being too close to the government. The centre has tried to maintain its autonomy and effectiveness. Is has grown in size (that hascreated management difficulties), and has achieved maturity and authenticity. CSE has been controversial in several of its campaigns. It tried to popularize Mr. Bhatt as the real leader of Chipko, and Sukhomarji Village as a model of rural comprehensive strategy. Both of these assertions are highly contested. Chipko is regarded as a long-term people's effont than just the work of a leader, and Sukhomarii iscriticized for its capital intensity and lack of replicability. CSE has alsohesitated to participate in movements such as against the Forest Bill,Tehri Dam or the Narmada Dam. Anil's leadership has sometimes
been criticized for his over-enthusiastic impatience, demanding work according to his vision and standard. Some people have complainedthat CSE's documentation center is not use-friendly.
The CSE is not only an information service but also an experiment with people-basaed participatory media. It encourages citizen's voluntary in vestigations and gives them a national voice. It does not communicate on a regular basis to villagers at the field level but it generates aresource and relevant pool of information which can be used be otherlocal agencies. Thus it Fills a void between the national and the localmedia,and it tries to create a momentum for indigenous consciousness and mobilization. The knowledge assembled and generated has been
of great public use. It is possible that, in order for CSE to continue as a professional organization, its future structure will become morethat of a private entrepreneur agency than that of a voluntary agency.