Bread quality evaluation
Bread quality parameters included specific volume, crumb color,
acceptance and texture of crumb. Crumb color of the breads were
measured using the HunterLab calorimeter model MiniScan XE Plus
(Reston, USA). Lightness (L*), redness (þa*) or greenness (a*),
yellowness (þb*) or blueness (b*) were measured four times for
each loaf. The crumb firmness was determined on the central slices
from each bread loaf using a texture analyzer TA-XT plus (Stable
Micro Systems, Surrey, UK) according to Approved Method 74-09
(AACC, 2000). For each textural measurement, two slices from the
center of each bread loaf were used. Measurements from at least
three bread loaves were taken for each formulation.