Microwaves are widely used in communication,
remote sensing, navigation, food processing, and electron
paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, but in everyday
life, their well-established use is for commercial and domestic
heating. Besides, in the last couple of decades, conventional
laboratory heating is being gradually replaced by microwave
heating. The advantages that attracted the attention of chemists
to microwave heating are; higher heating rates in less times,
no direct contact between the reactants and energy source, and
clean, selective and remote heating of the reactants in the
desired atmosphere. In addition, non-thermal applications of
microwaves include measuring the dielectric properties of a
large variety of substances such as rubber, wood, paper, glass,
Microwaves are widely used in communication,remote sensing, navigation, food processing, and electronparamagnetic resonance spectroscopy, but in everydaylife, their well-established use is for commercial and domesticheating. Besides, in the last couple of decades, conventionallaboratory heating is being gradually replaced by microwaveheating. The advantages that attracted the attention of chemiststo microwave heating are; higher heating rates in less times,no direct contact between the reactants and energy source, andclean, selective and remote heating of the reactants in thedesired atmosphere. In addition, non-thermal applications ofmicrowaves include measuring the dielectric properties of alarge variety of substances such as rubber, wood, paper, glass,
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..