Attitude was measured using 4 pairs of evaluative
bipolar adjectives (pairs of opposites) to assess
respondents’ positive or negative evaluations and
feelings about drug use. For example, ‘‘To me, drug
use makes me feel relaxed’’ (+1) to ‘‘tense’’ (+7).
Higher scores indicated amore positive attitude toward
not using drugs. Subjective norm was measured by
questions referring to opinions of significant others;
it was measured by 5 items using a 7-point Likert
scale. For example, ‘‘My parents/guardians think that
I should not use any drugs,’’ ranging from strongly
disagree (+1) to strongly agree (+7). The opinions of
other people who were respected by and important
to the students, including teachers, classmates, and
friends outside of school, were also elicited from
students using a similar item format. The fifth item
requiring reverse scoring was ‘‘I feel under peer
pressure to use drugs.’’ A higher score indicated that
students perceived a more disapproving subjective
norm toward drug use.