I’m so sorry this is late students. I had internet problems at my apartment.
But your study guide for your final exam is finally here!
Copying answers will not help you with the test at all. Remember I will be reading most of the questions for the exam. Focus on the chapters that are most difficult for you. Best of luck and see you next week.
Chapter 1
Review sentences and questions that use “know how to” and “can”
Do the homework activity on page 9 and 10
Chapter 2
Review sentences and questions about:
-where they are from
-what languages they speak
-and how old they are
Write conversations for the three people in exercise 3 on page 11.
Chapter 3
Review the two different ways to say:
-time (hour + minutes and minutes away from + hour)
-dates (month + number and number + ‘of’ + month)
Write your birthday and 3 different holiday’s dates two different ways.
Do exercise 1 on page 18 and write two different answers for each time.
Chapter 4
Review the language focus box example questions and sentences on page 26.
Use the homework pictures to answer these questions:
1) She _______ ____ at a quarter to nine. Circle the correct picture and write the verb.
2) What does she do before she takes a shower? Write a complete sentence answer.
3) She rides a train to go to work every morning. True or False?
4) She ______ home at half past six. Circle the correct picture and write the verb.
5) What does she do before she goes to bed? Write a complete sentence answer.
6) She ______ ____ _______ at ten past midnight. Circle the correct picture and write the verb.
Chapter 6
Review the grammar for moving things “take/pick up _____ and put it/them ______.”
Review the vocabulary on page 35, this is the vocabulary that will be on the test.
Now on page 35, draw lines to where I tell you to put those things
-Take the CDs and put them on the counter to the right of the refrigerator.
-Pick up the calculator and put it on the middle of the table.
-Take the oven mitt and hang it on the farthest left hook.
-Pick up the toaster and put it on the counter to the left of the sink.
-Pick up the plant and put it in the sink on the right.
-Take the sunglasses and put them on the table behind the calculator.
-Take the dictionary and put it on the floor to the right of the cabinet with CDs on it.
-Pick up the radio and put it on top of the refrigerator.
-Pick up the DVD and put it behind the CDS.
Chapter 7
Review directions grammar and vocabulary by doing exercise 1 on page 40. Also, look at the different ways to ask for directions in the purple box on page 42.
Use the map on page 41 to answer my questions:
-Start at the arrow on the bottom left of the map. Go straight on Elm Street. Turn left onto Central Ave. Go straight and turn right after the park. Turn left after one block. What business is at that corner?
-“Could you please tell me how to get from the bus station to Tracy’s Karate School?