Based on the reanalysis data from NCEP/NCAR and other observational data, interannual variability of MH and AH from 1970 to 1999 is examined.It is shown that interannual variability of MH is domained by the AAO, when the circumpolar low in the high southern latitudes deepens,the intensity of MH will be intensified. On the ENSO, the intensity of AH will be intensified when El Niño occurs. Both correlation analysis and case study demonstrate that summer rainfall over East Asia is closely related to MH and AH. When MH intensifies from boreal spring to summer, there is more rainfall over regions from the Yangtze River valley to Japan, in contrast, less rainfall is found over southern China and western Pacific to the east of Taiwan, and most of regions in mid-latitudes of East Asia. Compared with MH, the effect of AH on summer rainfall in East Asia is limited to localized regions. there is more rainfall over southern China with the intensification of AH. The results in this study show that AAO is a strong signal on interannual time scale, which plays an important role in summer rainfall over East Asia. This discovery is of real importance to revealing the physical mechanism of interannual variability of East Asian summer monsoon and prediction of summer precipitation in China.