Next, Step 3 has been carried out. Results show a slight pref- erence among alternatives: the most effective AR category for the analysed goal is the handheld devices (with 26.4 score); second al- ternatives are projectors (25.6% score); third and fourth alterna- tives are respectively haptic and force feedbacks and HMDs with a similar score of about 24%. Thus, as final scores are quite simi- lar, the proposed multi-criteria model has allowed deeper analy- ses about most critical factors that have heavily contributed to this final solution, aiming to point out more information to support the decision process about what AR application is the most effec- tive. Thus, an analysis about how to quantify the “performance”of each AR device in terms of process metrics has been also carried out. Data about relative rankings obtained by evaluating separately each first level criteria (i.e. reliability, responsiveness and agility) are depicted in Fig. 5.