WENB Option File V1 for WE2014 - Conversion by greyfox
Installation Guide
There are 3 folders
- Edit File With Championship
- Edit File Without Championship
- Championship Emblems
Each folder contains the files and PS3 format, BLASXXXXXX, the whole folder is consider as a file
As the name suggest copy the file
BLAS50619EDIT file from the "Edit File...."
into the "SAVEDATA" folder. If u want patch with Skybet Championship then copy the emblems from the respective folders
Then copy the whole "PS3" Folder into the USB
Go to PS3 XMB - Files will auto detect
Save Data Utility (PS3)>USB Device>Copy Multiply
Remember to wait for the PS3 to read all files meaning top right corner XX/XX files to be copied make sure it tallies up before u hit the copy button.
Team Call Names Installation (Japanese commentary only)
Copy the MUSIC folder tracks into your PS3
Create a playlist in your PS3 and name
(If u do not create a playlist the game will not pick up the tracks)
Playlist name: WEPES2014
The Option File should pick up if not you'll need to load it up yourself in the in game edit mode
edit mode>team>team name
Refer to www.winningeleven.sg - forum for details