and the people in the wall in the uh... congress in the ascendant last five days and people i want to do good it isn't that they're deliberately engaging in activities that they know we'll do harm it is that they are immersed in an environment in which all the pressures are in one direction and one directional there are a few exceptions dick armey has one and there are a number of others but people don't do bad things were bad motives everybody does things for good motives but here the congress are besieged day by day with people urging them to do good and it's very hard for them to avoid that and what you find and there's been some recent studies that demonstrate that is that most of the pressure for more spending comes from the government itself which is self generating monstrosity and the only why in my opinion you will change it is by changing the incentives that the people in congress have under which they operate changing what is in their self-interest to do it semi and the private market