Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was developed in the late 1970s by Saaty [14,17]. The AHP was adopted in education, engineering, government, industry, management, manufacturing,sports etc. [18]. The wide applicability is due to its simplicity, easy to use and great flexibility. The AHP is a decision-making tool to deal with multi-criteria evaluation and can be used with integrated GIS spatial analysis for site selection of fire stations.AHP allows to make a structured decision making approach using expert judgment which includes six steps [17]: (i) problem definition, (ii) hierarchy construction and development of the problem into component factors related to the objectives and outcomes of the problem; (iii)specification of numerical values using pair-wise comparison scales (Table 1, [14]); (iv) calculation of normalized principal eigen vectors, maximum eigen value,consistency index, consistency ratio and random consistency index
(Table 2 [17,19]) for each criteria; (v) if inconsistencies in the decision process exist, revise the process till a consensus is reached;and (vi) integration of weight values to reach an optimum decision.