Lipid peroxidation and microbial contamination in foods not
only result in food deterioration and shelf life reduction, but also
lead to disease and economic losses. At present, the food industry is
facing an enormous pressure coming from food deterioration
caused by the two factors above. The growth of microorganisms in
food products may cause intestinal disorders, vomiting and diarrhoea
(Friedman, Henika, & Mandrell, 2002). It has been reported
that as many as 30% of people in industrialized countries suffer
from a food-borne disease each year. With the environment
pollution, more population will suffer from food-borne diseases
Lipid peroxidation and microbial contamination in foods notonly result in food deterioration and shelf life reduction, but alsolead to disease and economic losses. At present, the food industry isfacing an enormous pressure coming from food deteriorationcaused by the two factors above. The growth of microorganisms infood products may cause intestinal disorders, vomiting and diarrhoea(Friedman, Henika, & Mandrell, 2002). It has been reportedthat as many as 30% of people in industrialized countries sufferfrom a food-borne disease each year. With the environmentpollution, more population will suffer from food-borne diseases
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