the HHZ/IR64, HHZ/AT354 and HHZ/C418 populations, and
transferred to the field for seed production. In the 2010 summer,
the selected ILs were progeny tested for ST using the same
method in the phytotron with two replications for each IL.
Individual plants of each IL and HHZ were evaluated score of salt
toxicity of leaves (SST) 10 days after salinization and for days of
seedling survival (DSS) each day from seeding to death according
to the standard evaluation system (SES) [18]. Based on the
progeny testing, 25, 28 and 29 ILs from the HHZ/IR64, HHZ/AT354
and HHZ/C418 populations, respectively, were confirmed to have
significantly improved seedling ST compared to HHZ.