Peru is now the world’s thirteenth largest exporter cacao an its by-products and
although only one percent of the cacao the world markets consume comes from
Peru, the country’s share of world markets is growing dramatically. Only between
2001 and 2007 exports from Peruvian cacao growing valleys rose 424% from
8.5 to 44.6 million dollars annually. Cacao beans exports rose 500% from 0.2
million to 11 million dollars per year. Such explosive growth follows the boom in
Peruvian exports that have grown uninterruptedly for 25 quarters so that now over
40 Peruvian products rank among the six most sold products worldwide. Peruvian
cacao is undoubtedly on the way to become a star export in the steps of dozens
of Peruvian agricultural products like asparagus which in less than 10 years rose
to the top of the international charts.