English is an international language for communication. It is listening, speaking, reading, and writing or expression for understand so English is an important language in Everyday life and work. For example, in everyday life, read job advertise, write note and speak with customers because it is a tool for people’s way of life in society. People can use language to exchange ideas as well as experiences widely and deeply for each other
Although we using English in everyday life but using English of Thai people is not succeeded as well as it should especially the expressive of language skills in reading and listening, so we should know and understand English correctly and should understand the meaning of words in the English correctly. The words in the English are complex and can make we misinterpret such as homophone is a word that sound the same as another, but have different in meanings, and may different in spelling. The words may be spelled the same, such as rose (flower) and rose (past tense of “rise”), or differently, such as carat, caret, and carrot, or to, two, and too. Homophones that are spelled the same are also both homograph and homonyms. However homophone is one problem in using English in everyday life as well.
Because of this, the researchers pay attention to evaluate the understanding of Students in Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Tak that how many skill they have for interpretation the meaning of homophone. If they have problems with using synonym in English, they should get the development immediately.