Sensitivity of amplification was evaluated by use of whole cells.
Salmonella Altona
cells were collected (10
cells per ml) and serially d
iluted in double-distilled water.
Cell suspensions were directly lyse
d by boiling at 95°C for 30min. After
centrifugation for 10min at 1200tr/min, DNA suspension were assayed for
amplification with phoP, Hin and Hli pr
imer sets individually under the same
reaction conditions as described previousl
y. The sensitivity of detection using Hin
primer was equal to NX10
(FIG. 2)
. Judy et al., 1993
were able to
detect 10
CFU/ml after 25 cycles of amplification
Similar results also occured
with H-li and P
hoP primers.