The system provides functions for four roles of users. First, a customer creates request
order to request transport then add transport request information include transported
equipment and required vehicles. After saving transport request information as draft, user can
edit until submit the request order to approve the request order by requester who is chief of
the customer’s division. The requester also could reject the request order and view return
message when the process was completed. Second, officer who planning a transportation plan
and reservation planned vehicles with the request order requirement could save information
and edit the transportation plan until submit the transportation plan to head for verifying the
transportation plan and when the process was completed, the system will return message to
officer. Third, chief have to verify the transportation plan and declare the work number and
chief could view return message when the process was completed. Forth, supervisor could
approve or reject the transportation plan and return successful message back to accessory.
Finally, all roles of user could view their related request order or transportation plan.