Re: Global ID / Local ID: TH201412007245/ TH141202273 FU (1)
Thank you for reporting to us an adverse event related to Lilly product(s).
We would like to collect more information to better understanding the reported event.
Please respond to following question regarding the adverse event – unable to sit unsupported for long periods of time, involving a female patient, aged 86, who was subscribed Forteo, reported the event to Lilly on 15-Dec-2014.
Please provide the informatoin for following:
1. Please try to clarify what the event of unable to sit for long periods of time unsupported meant, was it musculoskeletal, was it weakness (other reasons)?
HCP’s signature:
For Eli Lilly internal use only
Date of Confirmation of FU request sent to HCP:
Name and Designation: