Governance has to do with social control: who will control e-commerce, what elements
will be controlled, and how the controls will be implemented. Governance of
both the Internet and e-commerce has gone through four stages:
• Government control (1970–1994). During this period, DARPA and the National
Science Foundation controlled the Internet as a fully government-funded program.
• Privatization (1995–1998). Network Solutions was given a monopoly to assign and
track high-level Internet domain names. The backbone was sold to private telecommunications
companies and policy issues remained undecided.
• Self-regulation (1995–present). President Clinton and the Department of Commerce
encouraged creation of ICANN, a semi-private body, to deal with emerging
conflicts and to establish policies.
• Governmental regulation (1998–present). Executive, legislative, and judicial bodies
worldwide began to implement direct controls over the Internet and e-commerce.
We are currently in a mixed-mode policy environment where self-regulation,
through a variety of Internet policy and technical bodies, co-exists with limited
government regulation.
Governance has to do with social control: who will control e-commerce, what elementswill be controlled, and how the controls will be implemented. Governance ofboth the Internet and e-commerce has gone through four stages:• Government control (1970–1994). During this period, DARPA and the NationalScience Foundation controlled the Internet as a fully government-funded program.• Privatization (1995–1998). Network Solutions was given a monopoly to assign andtrack high-level Internet domain names. The backbone was sold to private telecommunicationscompanies and policy issues remained undecided.• Self-regulation (1995–present). President Clinton and the Department of Commerceencouraged creation of ICANN, a semi-private body, to deal with emergingconflicts and to establish policies.• Governmental regulation (1998–present). Executive, legislative, and judicial bodiesworldwide began to implement direct controls over the Internet and e-commerce.We are currently in a mixed-mode policy environment where self-regulation,through a variety of Internet policy and technical bodies, co-exists with limitedgovernment regulation.
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