You can take the following steps to reduce your chances of receiving negative feedback:
• Choose to automatically authorize returns. You can automatically authorize all requested returns within a set number of days or just those requests that are in-line with Amazon’s return policy. This may reduce your chance of receiving negative feedback. Learn how to authorize Automatic Returns.
• Check for return requests daily. Failing to respond to a return request drives the highest rate of negative responses. Ignored requests are more likely to get a negative response than approved requests.
• Respond quickly. Taking a long time to respond is a key contributor to negative responses. Taking more than two days to respond makes it more likely that a buyer will leave a negative response compared with a reply on the same day.
• Address buyer issues. Denying a request without addressing the buyer’s issue, versus granting the request for a return, makes a negative response more likely.
• Monitor negative feedback. A return request that receives negative feedback is more likely to escalate to a claim.