Even in the context of the non-exhaustive overview of the above presented dangers, we
believe that the Internet of Things represents, if incorrectly managed, a danger from the perspective
of ethics for the contemporary individuals and organizations. Every individual needs to be ensured
that he/she will be protected by effective technical solutions, re-interpreted and updated for IoT (as,
for example, encryption techniques, ID management, privacy enhancing technologies, digital
watermarking, electronic signature etc..), legal/regulatory mechanisms (consumers consent,
legislation limiting the data collected and used by third parties, accountability of transactions
mediated by IO etc.), economical measures (self-regulation, codes of conduct, consumer education,
privacy certification) and social ones (public awareness, disclosure, public advocacy, consumer
rights). After these first steps of awareness, further research must be done methodically on
interventions needed to prevent the turning of IoT into a feared and intrusive Big Brother.
Even in the context of the non-exhaustive overview of the above presented dangers, webelieve that the Internet of Things represents, if incorrectly managed, a danger from the perspectiveof ethics for the contemporary individuals and organizations. Every individual needs to be ensuredthat he/she will be protected by effective technical solutions, re-interpreted and updated for IoT (as,for example, encryption techniques, ID management, privacy enhancing technologies, digitalwatermarking, electronic signature etc..), legal/regulatory mechanisms (consumers consent,legislation limiting the data collected and used by third parties, accountability of transactionsmediated by IO etc.), economical measures (self-regulation, codes of conduct, consumer education,privacy certification) and social ones (public awareness, disclosure, public advocacy, consumerrights). After these first steps of awareness, further research must be done methodically oninterventions needed to prevent the turning of IoT into a feared and intrusive Big Brother.
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