If researcher conducts field interviews, she keeps the interview notes separate. In addition to recording questions and answers she creates a face sheet, a page at the beginning of interview notes with information such as the date, place of interview, characteristics of interviewee, content of the interview, and so on, which help her when rereading and making sense of notes.
Interview bias falls into six categories
1. Error by the respondent---forgetting, embarrassment, misunderstanding, or lying because of the presence of others
2. Unintentional errors or sloppiness by the interviewer—contacting the wrong respondent, misreading a question, omitting questions, reading questions in the wrong order, recording the wrong answer to question, or misunderstanding the respondent
3. internal subversion by the interviewer—purposeful alteration of answers, omission or rewording of questions, or choice of alternative respondent
4. influence on the respondent’s answers due to the interviewer’s appearance, tone, attitude, reactions to answers or comments made outside of the interview schedule
5. Influence due to the interviewer’s expectations about a respondent’s answers based on respondent’s appearance, living situation or other answers
6. Failure of an interviewers to probe or to probe properly