The presence of a movement disorder in a child usually
raises concerns about an underlying serious, progressive,
degenerative, or metabolic disease. However,
many movement disorders are benign and related to
normal stages of development. In fact, it may be difficult
to justify the term disorder in describing many
of these movements. The developing nervous system
may produce a variety of motor patterns that would be
pathologic in older children and adults, but are simply
a manifestation of central nervous system immaturity.
The presence of a movement disorder in a child usuallyraises concerns about an underlying serious, progressive,degenerative, or metabolic disease. However,many movement disorders are benign and related tonormal stages of development. In fact, it may be difficultto justify the term disorder in describing manyof these movements. The developing nervous systemmay produce a variety of motor patterns that would bepathologic in older children and adults, but are simplya manifestation of central nervous system immaturity.
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