The main analyses were focused on the comparison between intact
and eyeless faces using the following within-subject factors: face
category (2: intact, eyeless), orientation (2: upright, inverted), fixation(6: forehead, nasion, left-eye, right-eye, nose, mouth) and hemisphere
(2: left, right) for the ERP analyses. In all ANOVAs Greenhouse–Geisser
adjusted degrees of freedom were used when necessary and pairwise
comparisons were Bonferroni corrected. Data were analyzed using
SPSS Statistics 21.
The main analyses were focused on the comparison between intactand eyeless faces using the following within-subject factors: facecategory (2: intact, eyeless), orientation (2: upright, inverted), fixation(6: forehead, nasion, left-eye, right-eye, nose, mouth) and hemisphere(2: left, right) for the ERP analyses. In all ANOVAs Greenhouse–Geisseradjusted degrees of freedom were used when necessary and pairwisecomparisons were Bonferroni corrected. Data were analyzed usingSPSS Statistics 21.
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