Total carotenoid in various leaves extract of four varieties mangoes (gedong mangoe, golek mangoe, apel mangoe and arumaanis mangoe) showed negative correlation with antioxidant activities in ABTS assays. The data illustrated that higher total carotenoid in magnoes leaves extracts would gave lower anitioxidant activities in ABTS assays. The same results could be seen in DPPH assays, except in gedong mangoe and arumanis mangoe there were not significant correlation. Carotenoid had antioxidant activity by scavenging free radical. More double bonds in carotenoid would give higher scavenging free radical activity [14]. Carotenoid that consisted of maximum 7 double bonds gave lower scavenging radical free capacity than more double bonds [15]. In previous study by Kobayashi and Sakamoto [16] stated that increasing in liphophilicity of carotenoid would increase scavenging radical capacity. Beta carotene was used as standard because of it had conjugation double bonds doe to its ability to scavenge free radicals [17]. Based on the above data could be seen that many carotenoid in mangoe leaves extracts contained lower than 7 double bonds, that had no or low antioxidant capacity.