I’m currently working as Actuarial Analyst at Syn Mun Kong Insurance Public Company Limited.
My duty is
- Collecting and providing Data to calculate earn Premium, number of claims, amount of Loss and etc
- Primary Reserves Calculation
- Providing data and Preparing Report for OIC
- Annual Reports, Loss development Report and etc.
- Providing Information and Prepare Report for Relative Section Office of Risk Management, Accounting, External Auditor and etc.
- Analysis of Trends and Adequacy of Loss.
- Designing and Preparing a Report on Related Statistics for Calculation Loss Reserve.
- Preparing Data for the calculation RBC from 4.1 Claim Liability and 4.2 Premium Liability
- Calculating the Insurance Risk Charge and Expenses Assumption.
- Calculating all competitive premiums in Market share.
- Having an experience to analysis data and calculate both OPD and IPD Premium
- Internal PAD Models - Internal Pricing Models by GLM Method with SAS Program.
- Perform Other Jobs by Assigned.