Conversely, the combined B. linens/B. subtilis treatment significantly reduced B. cinerea lesions by 58% when compared to the control after 3 days ( Fig. 2). At the same ratio, all treatments significantly reduced B. cinerea lesions after 5 days of incubation. Indeed, individual treatment of B. linens or B. subtilis inhibited B. cinerea lesions by approximately 20%. The combined B. linens/B. subtilis treatment provided the highest inhibition (44%) after a 5-day incubation period ( Fig. 2). When the ratio was increased to 10,000:1, all treatments significantly reduced B. cinerea lesions. Indeed, all three bacterial treatments reduced lesions of gray mold by 42% after 3 days ( Fig. 2). After a 5-day incubation, the individual treatment of B. linens or B. subtilis inhibited B. cinerea lesions by 41% whereas the combined B. linens/B. subtilis treatment provided the highest inhibition (61%) of the disease ( Fig. 2).