The tester is controlled by a CPU running a Unix operating system. This
Unix operation allows all the usual capabilities of file management, system
control and configuration, etc. Within the operating system, a dedicated
tester software run-time executive (rtx) runs user-written test programs, and
governs actual hardware control and operation.
In addition to rtx operation, object-code utilities and programs (typically 'C'
based) are executable by Unix command-line invocation. Within the test
program itself, special C-based routines known as "EXEC's" can be
The test program source code is written in the Enfact programming
language, an English-based derivation of the original Factor language from
Fairchild. Enfact is well documented in the Enfact Programming Manual
and will not be covered in this Handbook. An Enfact program must be
compiled using "fc" before it can be executed by rtx.
There are also special machine-language command programs like hdb and
ktcmon. These programs require extremely specialized knowledge of the
tester hardware and its operation. Inappropriate use of these tools can
damage system hardware; limited details are contained in this Handbook