The simulation of human mind often helps in the understanding of abstract concept by representing it in a realistic model and simplistic way so that a learner develops an understanding of the key concepts. Bian (1873) and James (1890) in their work suggested that thoughts and body activity result from interactions among neurons within the brain. This paper explains how the usage of synectic technique helps in experiencing and exploring a broad range of environments, objects and phenomena within the walls of the classroom through simulation which makes learning more straightforward and intuitive for many students; and supports a constructivist approach to learning. Human mind analogues to modern day computer could enable virtual reality for the students to encounter abstract concepts as well as to control their learning. A study was conducted on student teachers using the survey method on the effectiveness of synectics linked to the simulation of human mind. The result of survey revealed that synectic technique is an effective approach for improving students' learning in concept formation, skill development and content area knowledge.