Materials and Methods
Salmonella isolates: Sixty four retail broiler meat,
and 79 chicken farm samples (41 cloacal swab, 7 intestine, 22 caecum and 9 gizzard), which were determined as positive for Salmonella in our laboratory from February 2006 to January 2009 were the sources of these isolates. Isolates obtained from these sources had been subjected to both biochemical identification by API 20E (Biomerieux, 20100, France), and serological identification using Salmonella group-specific antisera (Becton-Dickinson, USA).
Materials and MethodsSalmonella isolates: Sixty four retail broiler meat,and 79 chicken farm samples (41 cloacal swab, 7 intestine, 22 caecum and 9 gizzard), which were determined as positive for Salmonella in our laboratory from February 2006 to January 2009 were the sources of these isolates. Isolates obtained from these sources had been subjected to both biochemical identification by API 20E (Biomerieux, 20100, France), and serological identification using Salmonella group-specific antisera (Becton-Dickinson, USA).
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