Habitat suitability modeling; HSM or Habitat suitability index; HSI is a popular tool for wildlife management of the natural resource manager. (12) This model can be applied to predict the quality and suitability of habitat for species with specific data on their habitats such as; water depth and crown cover. These data will be applied to the map in order to clarify and classify the level of habitat suitability. Therefore, if the values of HSI in the habitat are higher will result to the survival rate of species more than the areas with lower HSI values. HSI values calculated from the probability of encountering species in different habitats or using the suitability index; SI such as; the frequency of utilization in different water depths. The values have to be calculated the relationship between two variables by regression analysis. The accuracy of results analysis of SI values depends on the integrity of the data and the literature review may be used to analyze into the model for some time if data are few. The result of SI has a value ranging from 0-1, if the value closer to 1 indicates that highest suitability and closer to 0 indicates that low suitable. For example, there are 5 of 10 literature reviews shows some species of fish lived in water level at 50 and 100 meters that result to the SI value of this factor is o.5. The sum of the SI values in all factors is the HSI values in equation as follows;