There are a lot of people ask me about the Soekarno asset or called asset decade. I often find that asset documents. There are Gold certificates, there is also a form of bank guarantees and other documents stating that the assets exist and are recognized in the banking system. The story of the various versions of the asset; It was said that the assets of gold was placed as 16th-century royal ( Nusantara ) era. Assets placed in banks in European banks. Asset value is enormous. Then after Indonesian independence, the assets in a trust to the President of Indonesia, Soekarno and based on the mandate of the heirs, Sukarno appointed the team to manage the asset ( one of them Mr. Soewarno ) to return to Indonesia. The story continues until the meeting between Sukarno and JF Kennedy known as the Hilton Memorial Treaty.
As far as I know that the story is true assets there. But in physical assets does not exist because the first world war and second. When the first world war, Germany as the winner and all existing assets in European banks, taken by the Germans. When the second world war, the United States as the winner and assets in Germany taken by the U.S. to be stored in the FED. Everyone knows what are called “you win you take all”. Events of this world war, is a force majeur in international law. Everyone is aware of the risks when placing assets in the bank. So we can conclude that this asset exists but is not available because of the history of war. So why until now were found on the bank documents related to this asset?
Although these assets are no longer available but still legally acknowledged, that is fact.. Understandable because these assets are placed under the trustees laws, who admitted during the duration of storage assets and did not know the term lost due to stolen or taken. Therefore, banks in Europe are still recognizes the existence of these assets by issuing a legal proof of ownership of assets to heirs. Although this evidence can not be tied to the banking transaction but it can be used as an underlying to hide hot money. Based on the trustee law, the owner of the hot money can use the excuse withdrawal of credit from banks to make these assets as collateral. So actually the Loan funds from their own money, and bank only acts as channelling agent only.
This one-way done with a sophisticated and highly confidential. Hence the use of these assets there is no bank to bank via SWIFT board communication system.. Everything is done face to face between asset owners and owners of hot funds and witnessed by each banker. In the implementation process involving lawyers, fund managers world-class. This loan facility funds are not directly used for the project but had played in the money market transactions are not regulated, such as 144 A Sec. This way intended to hot money more difficult to trace their origins. Profits of these money market transactions will be channelled into the project in the form of business venture.
To the understanding that even though many are claiming to be heirs of those assets, but not all of them deserve recognition as the rightful owner. There are many procedures to be bypassed and is comply to become a recognized heirs lawful trustee.
So many people who do not understand about financial transactions, did not understand the banking law, but they were so sure could make this asset as a treasure that can create wealth. They imagine a lot of money when he saw the document assets, but they do not realize that what they see is a blank with no value unless backed by a hidden source of funds in the account off balance sheet in banking system. That should be understood that the asset owners can not force owners of hot money to follow the rules. The owner of hot money is a party that controls the bank with huge funds. They are very rich and they just need someone who can be trusted as an heir and willing to enter into this conspiracy with high-level banking officials. If this can happen with a mutual understanding, then both parties will benefit.