Storage was measured through an assessment of verbal short-term memory from the Tests of Cognitive Ability from the Woodcock–Johnson Psycho educational Battery Revised which is a norm referenced test designed to measure cognitive aptitude. The short-term memory score was derived from the Memory for Sentences subtest. On this subtest, children listen to audio recordings of increasingly complex stimuli, starting with words, followed by phrases, and finally, sentences of increasing length and grammatical complexity. They are asked to repeat the information presented on each item. The testing is terminated when children responds incorrectly to four consecutive items. Thus, the subtest assesses children's ability to temporarily store and recall verbal information. Raw scores are based on basal and ceiling levels, as well as points earned for correct responses; standardized scores with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 are computed from these raw scores. This test has shown strong convergent validity in prior work Internal consistency was moderately high as reported in the SECCYD instrument documentation (Cronbach's α = .78).