Hello Prim , thankyou for your email address................ as you say, life is beautiful............ i think that every morning when i wake up........ and i am thankful for who and what i have.......... what i have? a caring compassionate loving heart , not just for the lady i am going fall in love with ... but for life..... because it is precious, we dont know what is going to happen in the next minute or day... we are given so much, all these feelings and emotions, but do not use to their full potential... i,m not a materialistic person, sure i like nice things...... but my life is simple, i work.....i travel and live a pretty good life...thats my opinion but there are many people out there not so lucky, there are people, children.. sick now in hospital......... life is short, ........... i was for most of my life a quiet shy boy...... then when i turned 50 i hurt myself......... and my life changed....... i now say what is on my mind, as in this email, sorry........... i am honest and just a decent human being who has done nothing bad but to be kind and generous.......... and i have been hurt from that, you learn from your mistakes and be careful of the friends you make................... i have been to Thailand many times... and as i said, Never have i been there for a girl....... i dont even feel comfortable getting a massage from a strange girl i do not know............ so when i had the opportunity to travel with these retirees, i did it....... they are so much fun, and sensible.................................................. so yeah , life is here to be lived, for me there is just someone missing from my heart.......................................
I am sorry.... i do not know why i have said all this............ but its just me................. Prim you are a lovely lady, i have this sense about people , good or bad......................... and i have met some scammers in my life...... anyway, if you want to chat, or ask me anything, please do....... Take care