'Stop!' Captain Seru stood up and put her hands in her pockets. She went to the window and looked at the sky.
'Three hundred years ago, Earth nearly died,' Rilla said. 'Earth stopped dying because of the AOL. but now, over Europe, the AOL is breaking up. We would like you to talk to Earth Commander.'
Captain Seru did not move. 'Do you remember Adai?' she asked. She didn't wait for an answer. 'I was on his ship, twq years ago. One evening, the satellite gave us interesting numbers about the AOL. We went back to Earth and saw Earth Commander.' Captain Seru stopped speaking.
Rilla looked at Kiah. 'And then?' she asked Captain Seru.
'Gog was angry, very angry,' Captain Seru said. 'In the end, he sent aDAI TO THE mOON. aDAI'S THERE NOW, Commander again. These numbers are worse.'