Presenting participants with completely unrelated construal level items (e.g., Which alternative best describes “growing a garden”?: “planting seeds” vs. “getting fresh vegetables”; see, e.g., Vallacher & Wegner, 1989) immediately after they had visualized the morally questionable action and prior to making a moral judgment of it, would likely have been perceived as awkward by the participants. Not the least, because the moral judgment task was intertwined with the visualization manipulation. Future research manipulating visual perspective by means of procedural priming would allow for a purer test of the mediation hypothesis.2 For example, participants could watch video sequences that depict unrelated actions from first- vs. third-person visual perspectives before completing the construal measure and finally judging unrelated moral transgressions
Presenting participants with completely unrelated construal level items (e.g., Which alternative best describes “growing a garden”?: “planting seeds” vs. “getting fresh vegetables”; see, e.g., Vallacher & Wegner, 1989) immediately after they had visualized the morally questionable action and prior to making a moral judgment of it, would likely have been perceived as awkward by the participants. Not the least, because the moral judgment task was intertwined with the visualization manipulation. Future research manipulating visual perspective by means of procedural priming would allow for a purer test of the mediation hypothesis.2 For example, participants could watch video sequences that depict unrelated actions from first- vs. third-person visual perspectives before completing the construal measure and finally judging unrelated moral transgressions
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