A fatal blow has been struck!
Weed aimed at a critical point and his enemy fell lifeless to the ground. "Uh… He killed Altona!" "Revenge." "Thunder Slash!" "Triple Attack!" The three of them, activating their skills, simultaneously attacked Weed. Apparently, the victim was their friend. However, after examining their ability, you could see that they weren’t even level 200. With great hesitation, Weed lowered his sword and took all of the blows. Bam-bam-bam! Each strike flashed light, and finally disappeared into white mist. Graham leather armor! He polished it until it shown, and now enemy attacks were reflected into the air. "Is he dead?" "Where are his items!?" Poor guys, they thought Weed had died, and their faces were all shining. However their feeling of security vanished as Weed appeared completely unharmed. Their smiles left their faces. At this point their enemy seemed like a devil. Weed smiled, his health exceeding 9000. When skills reached the intermediate stage, there were added bonuses! In addition, with his armor polished, and health gained from his fishing skill, he was practically invincible. The damage he received didn’t even reach 300 points. "Weaker than I expected…" Weed gave his opponents a disappointed look.
Enemies killed: 4. If your side wins, you will receive additional rewards. Also, along with an increase in fame, you can get a title.
"Engraving Knife technique!" Weed attacked without hesitation. With each passing moment his opponents lost more and more health. There wasn’t a big difference in level, but Weed’s stats were far inflated for his level. In addition, with his armor polished and sword sharpened, he had a significant advantage over his opponents. The three players could not withstand his attacks. A few moments later they fell dead to the ground. Ding! Weed went to the bodies of his enemies and found 1 item. As quickly as he massacred his enemies, he picked up their loot. "Kiiya!" Weed jumped from one opponent to another. Enemies swung swords at him and shot spells at him, but still they continued to die! Weed was not high leveled, but the average level of his enemies did not exceed 170, so they could not withstand him. Top players on Royal Road didn’t participate in sieges. After all, if they were mobbed and then killed, their penalty would be huge. So basically, only mercenaries, NPC soldiers, and guilds fought in large battles. On the other hand, among the mercenaries he faced some level 250 and higher. Those that did not care about the penalties. They were the real machines of death on the battlefield! "Don’t lose your head and die. Retreat!" Weed was not afraid of soldiers at level 250. After all, he fought against stronger enemies, for example vampires. However, he had long understood that it was better to fight as a party. So when he approached a strong opponent, Weed hid behind a strong ally until they engaged into battle. Then he quietly went off to kill other enemies. "Engraving Knife Technique!" Dishonest, and clever tricks! However, Weed did not feel any remorse. Like a hot knife on butter he cut one opponent down after another, reaching a total of 42 kills. "Ahhh!" "Everyone! Bring him down instead!" Many players simultaneously attacked the masked soldier, but like everyone else, they could not oppose him. And they dropped more and more things for Weed to pick up. With the mercenaries on defense, they had an overwhelming advantage. The battle lasted all day. Again, blood was spilled at Fort Ohdein. This time the Prosperity Guild, defended the fort, whereas the Balkans Guild attacked. Everybody discussed the fight, and most of the conversation revolved around one player. However, they didn’t know that. Instead they thought there were 42 masked mercenaries. People that did not hesitate to use their comrades. Whirlwinds of death that left nothing, not even a single copper.
The Geomchis finally passed level 170. They laid waste to everything! Thanks to their crazy pace, they leveled quickly. What was amazing was the fact that they started when Weed was level 180. Here were the results of real men! They walked through the valleys and mountains in the southern kingdom of Rosenheim; sometimes they went to places that were never explored before. They gradually became famous, and naturally, there would be people who were jealous. "There’s something wrong with them." "It’s the famous mug, I hate crowds of players." "Maybe I should kill them." Halman and Margaux talked to each other, while Levi and Grand quietly sipped beer. "Yeah, let’s kill them and raise our levels." "Let’s split the loot fairly this time, currently I still don’t have a breastplate." "That’s not a bad idea." The Dwichigi Quartet! They had tried to use Weed and Mapan, but instead killed themselves. With the Cloud Guild hunting them, they had no choice but to hide in Rosenheim. Since then, several months passed but their levels still haven’t increased, because they hunted people instead of monsters. "Sounds like fun. Come on, let’s go!" As always their shady business would be suggested by Gran. "Kekekek" "Hihihi" Levi and Halman laughed. Although they were "friends", there was always the risk of getting betrayed. After all, they already experienced it several times! But still they would get back together. "Killing alone is no fun." "Yeah, it’s better to kill while having a conversation." "To me, there’s nothing more fun than killing." Respect and friendship were not words to describe the relationship the Quartet had. They gathered only because they wanted to have fun! The Quartet blocked the road. It would be a burden for them to take on all 500 Geomchis so they targeted a group of 5 that was separated from the party. It turned out it was the first 5 Geomchis. "Huh?" "Who are you?" The five of them had puzzled looks in their eyes. Gran smiled wickedly and drew his sword. "Flaming Sword!" Gran attacked without warning, and rushed forward. "Master!" "Watch out!" The Second and third Geomchi’s mouth opened in surprise. Their master leisurely stepped back, and drew his sword. Like flowing water he blocked the attack. "Ha! Idiot!" Gran’s eyes were full of triumph. He was using a dangerous attack that exploded on impact. However, the master just simply overcame the attack by deflecting it. Tink! As their blades crashed, his blade was deflected and the attack cut down a tree. "What are you freaks?" Up to this point Gran didn’t know what to do. He had no idea it was possible to block the attack. "Huh?" Compared to Gran, the other 4 Geomchis’ eyes were even wider. When leveling up they learned a few techniques, however the technique their master just used was thought to be useless.